Protect Your Noggin: The 3 Keys to Choosing the Perfect Motorcycle Helmet

When it comes to motorcycle safety, your helmet is your best friend. At New Mexico Biker Lawyer, we’ve seen firsthand how a good helmet can make the difference between a close call and a tragedy. While helmet use is a personal choice in New Mexico, if you decide to wear one (and we hope you do), it’s crucial to choose wisely. Let’s dive into the three key factors that make a great motorcycle helmet.

1. Material Matters: You Get What You Pay For

The old saying “you get what you pay for” couldn’t be more true when it comes to helmet materials. Here’s what you need to know:

Plastic Injected Molded Helmets

  • More affordable option
  • Often DOT approved, but offer less protection
  • Suitable for casual, low-speed riding

Carbon Fiber, Kevlar, and Fiberglass Composite Helmets

  • Pricier but offer superior protection
  • Multiple layers and crash zones
  • Better engineered for aerodynamics and comfort
  • Often include features like anti-fogging and improved ventilation

Remember: The amount you spend on your helmet is essentially how much you’re valuing your head. Always ensure your helmet meets DOT standards at minimum.

2. Fit: Snug as a Bug (But Comfortable)

A helmet that doesn’t fit properly is almost as bad as no helmet at all. Here’s how to nail the fit:

  • When new, it should feel snug – almost uncomfortably tight
  • The helmet should move the skin on your face when you wiggle it
  • You shouldn’t be able to chew gum comfortably in a new helmet
  • Consider helmets with adjustable padding for a customized fit

Pro Tip: Never buy a helmet online without trying it on first. Head shapes vary, and what works for your riding buddy might not work for you.

3. Style: More Than Just Looks

When we talk about helmet style, we’re not just talking about looking cool (though that’s a bonus). Consider these factors:

Full Face vs. 3/4 vs. Half Helmets

  • Full-face helmets offer the most protection
  • 3/4 helmets leave your face exposed – risky in a crash
  • Half helmets provide minimal protection

Color and Visibility

  • Bright colors increase your visibility on the road
  • Consider reflective elements for night riding


  • Some helmets offer removable parts for different riding conditions
  • Consider having multiple helmets for different types of riding

New Mexico Helmet Laws: Know Before You Ride

While New Mexico doesn’t require all riders to wear helmets, it’s crucial to understand the laws:

  • Riders and passengers under 18 must wear helmets
  • All riders must wear eye protection, regardless of age
  • Even if you’re over 18, wearing a helmet can significantly reduce your risk of injury

The Bottom Line: Invest in Your Safety

Choosing the right helmet is about more than just following the law – it’s about protecting your most valuable asset: your brain. Traumatic brain injuries are common in motorcycle accidents, but the right helmet can significantly reduce your risk.

Remember, the best helmet is the one you’ll wear every time you ride. Find one that fits well, offers good protection, and matches your riding style.

Ride Safe, But If Trouble Finds You…

At New Mexico Biker Lawyer, we hope you never need our services. But if you do find yourself in a motorcycle accident, we’re here to help. Our team understands the unique challenges faced by motorcyclists on the road and in the courtroom.

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, don’t face it alone. Call us at 505-505-2453 or visit our website for a free consultation. We’re riders too, and we’re committed to protecting your rights and getting you the compensation you deserve.

Stay safe out there, New Mexico riders. And remember: a good helmet is a small price to pay for peace of mind on the open road.