As riders, we trust law enforcement to accurately document the chaos following a motorcycle crash. But at New Mexico Biker Lawyer, we’ve seen firsthand how police reports can fall short. Let’s dive into why this happens and what you can do about it.

The Reality of Police Reports: Not Always Picture-Perfect

Picture this: You’re sprawled on the asphalt, your bike’s a wreck, and your mind’s reeling. In rolls a police officer, tasked with summing up this life-altering moment in a few brief sentences. It’s a tall order, and sometimes, crucial details get lost in translation. As we riders all know, police love to blame motorcycle riders for wrecks, even when it’s not their fault.

Here’s what you need to know about police reports:

  • They’re a starting point, not the final word
  • Basic facts like direction of travel or vehicle descriptions can be mixed up
  • Officer shortages (Albuquerque is down 400 officers according to the Washington Post!) can lead to rushed reports
  • Biases against motorcyclists can sometimes creep in
  • Most Important: Police officers are NOT experts, and the courts do NOT recognize them as accident reconstruction experts!

Beyond the Badge: How We Dig Deeper

At New Mexico Biker Lawyer, we don’t just accept a police report. We roll up our sleeves and get to work. Here’s how:

  1. Gather ALL the evidence: We collect 911 calls, dispatch info, photos, officer body cam footage, and any other available video.
  2. Re-interview witnesses: Sometimes a fresh conversation reveals details the officer missed.
  3. Analyze the scene: Our team might revisit the crash site to spot factors the report overlooked.
  4. Consult experts: We work with actual accident reconstruction specialists to challenge faulty conclusions by inexperienced police officers.

Real-Life Example: When the Report Gets It Dead Wrong

We once had a client stopped at a red light when a car rear-ended his motorcycle. Shockingly, the police report cited our client for speeding! This kind of error can happen, but it doesn’t have to derail your case.

Your Action Plan: What to Do If the Report Is Wrong

  1. Act fast: The sooner you address errors, the better.
  2. For minor mistakes: Contact the officer or visit the station to file a supplemental report.
  3. For major errors: This is where having an attorney becomes crucial. We may need to depose the officer and present contradicting evidence.
  4. Document everything: Keep your own detailed account of the accident while it’s fresh in your mind.
  5. Don’t go it alone: An experienced motorcycle accident attorney can add legitimacy to your case and navigate the complexities of challenging a police report.

Why New Mexico Biker Lawyer?

Dealing with an inaccurate police report is frustrating, but you don’t have to face it alone. Here’s why riders trust us:

  • We represent motorcyclists – we aren’t just injury lawyers, we’re motorcycle accident lawyers!
  • Our team has extensive experience in correcting faulty police reports
  • We offer free consultations to review your case
  • You pay nothing unless we win your case

Don’t Let a Bad Report Wreck Your Case

An inaccurate police report doesn’t have to be the end of the road for your motorcycle accident claim. If you’re dealing with errors in your accident report, call New Mexico Biker Lawyer at (505) 505-BIKE or visit our website for a free consultation.

Remember, the truth of what happened in your accident matters. Let us help you set the record straight and fight for the compensation you deserve.