As passionate motorcyclists and experienced New Mexico motorcycle accident attorneys, we’ve seen firsthand the devastating impact of motorcycle crashes. While the thrill of the open road is unmatched, it’s crucial to understand the risks and potential injuries that come with riding. Let’s dive into the most common injuries motorcyclists face and how you can protect yourself.

The Sobering Reality: Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Before we delve into specific injuries, let’s look at some eye-opening statistics:

  • In 2020, there were 5,015 fatal motorcycle crashes in the US
  • An estimated 84,000 motorcyclists were injured in 2019
  • Motorcyclists are about 29 times more likely than car occupants to die in a crash per vehicle mile traveled

These numbers underscore the importance of safety and proper protective gear. Now, let’s explore the most common injuries.

1. Road Rash: More Than Just a Scrape

Road rash is often dismissed as a minor injury, but it can be severe and life-changing. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Severity ranges from minor abrasions to deep tissue damage
  • Can lead to infections, scarring, and even require skin grafts
  • Proper gear is crucial: leather or high-quality synthetic riding gear can significantly reduce road rash severity


2. Muscle and Soft Tissue Injuries: The Hidden Damage

Muscle injuries might not be as visible as road rash, but they can have long-lasting effects:

  • Can occur anywhere on the body, even with protective gear
  • May lead to chronic pain or reduced mobility
  • In severe cases, can cause paralysis or loss of limb function


3. Head and Neck Injuries: The Most Critical Concern

Head injuries are among the most severe and life-threatening risks for motorcyclists:

  • Can range from concussions to traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • May result in long-term cognitive issues or personality changes
  • Neck injuries can lead to paralysis or chronic pain


4. Lower Extremity Injuries: The Most Common Motorcycle Injuries

Legs and feet are particularly vulnerable in motorcycle accidents:

  • Fractures, sprains, and crush injuries are common
  • Can lead to long-term mobility issues or even amputation in severe cases
  • Knee injuries may cause chronic problems like arthritis


5. Spinal Cord Injuries: Life-Altering Consequences

Spinal injuries can have devastating, lifelong effects:

  • Can result in partial or complete paralysis
  • May cause chronic pain or loss of sensation
  • Often require extensive, ongoing medical care


6. Biker’s Arm: A Unique Motorcyclist Injury

“Biker’s Arm” occurs when a rider instinctively tries to break their fall with their arms:

  • Can cause severe nerve damage in the upper arms
  • May lead to temporary or permanent loss of arm function
  • Often results from side-impact collisions or being forced off the road


What to Do If You’re Injured in a Motorcycle Accident in New Mexico

  1. Seek immediate medical attention: Even if injuries seem minor, some symptoms may not appear immediately.
  2. Document everything: Take photos of injuries, gather witness information, and keep all medical records.
  3. Don’t rush to settle: Insurance companies may offer quick settlements that don’t cover long-term effects.
  4. Consult with a motorcycle accident attorney: We at New Mexico Biker Lawyer understand the unique challenges motorcyclists face.

How New Mexico Biker Lawyer Can Help

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident in New Mexico, don’t face the aftermath alone. At New Mexico Biker Lawyer, we’re not just attorneys – we’re riders who understand your passion and your rights. We can help by:

  • Thoroughly investigating your accident to determine liability
  • Working with medical experts to fully understand and document your injuries
  • Negotiating with insurance companies to ensure you receive fair compensation
  • Representing you in court if a fair settlement can’t be reached

Remember, in New Mexico, you generally have three years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury lawsuit. But the sooner you act, the stronger your case can be.

Call us today at 505-505-2453 or visit our website for a free consultation. Let’s work together to protect your rights and get you back on the road to recovery – and eventually, back on your bike.

Ride safe, ride smart, and know that if trouble finds you on the road, New Mexico Biker Lawyer has your back.