As passionate motorcycle enthusiasts and experienced motorcycle injury attorneys, we at New Mexico Biker Lawyer understand the thrill of riding on the open roads of our beautiful state. However, we also know the risks that come with it. Today, we’re diving deep into the sobering statistics and crucial information about motorcycle accidents in New Mexico. Our goal? To keep you informed, safe, and prepared.

The Startling Numbers: Motorcycle Accident Rates in New Mexico

Nobody feels invincible on the bike, with inattentive drivers surrounding us daily, motorists pulling out in front of us and muscling into our lane on the freeway. The numbers confirm what we already know: Here in New Mexico, and across the nation, motorcyclists face disproportionate risks on the road.

A National Crisis Reflected in Our State

Nationwide, motorcyclists make up only 3% of all registered vehicles. But they account for a whopping 14% of all traffic deaths and 17% of all occupant fatalities. That’s right, folks. We’re talking about a risk factor that’s off the charts.  We may not be getting in more wrecks, but we are getting more hurt.

In New Mexico, our statistics mirror this national trend. Our wide-open spaces and scenic routes make for great riding, but they also come with their own set of dangers. In recent years, we’ve seen a steady increase in motorcycle fatalities, with numbers reaching record highs.

A motorcycle rider is more likely to be injured in a crash

Why Are Motorcycle Accidents So Common in New Mexico?

Understanding the causes can help you stay safer on the road. Here are some of the top reasons we see motorcycle accidents in New Mexico:

  1. Left-turning vehicles: Picture this – you’re cruising down Central Avenue in Albuquerque, and bam! A car turns left right in front of you. It’s a common scenario, and it’s deadly.
  2. Speeding: Ever since COVID when people got used to empty roads they could fly down at high speeds, the number of speeders has been dramatically higher. Speeding doesn’t usually cause a rider to crash, but it can impact the amount of time the rider has to react to a careless vehicle.
  3. Road hazards: From loose gravel on our rural roads to potholes in urban areas, New Mexico’s diverse terrain can pose unexpected dangers. Unrepaired road hazards can mean liability for the city or property owner.
  4. Weather conditions: Our state experiences everything from scorching heat to sudden thunderstorms. Each weather condition brings its own set of risks for riders.

The Aftermath: Injuries and Their Impact

When motorcycle accidents happen in New Mexico, they’re often severe. Here’s what we typically see in terms of injuries:

  • Head injuries: Even with a helmet, head injuries are common and can be life-altering. It doesn’t take much to get a traumatic brain injury in a motorcycle crash.
  • Leg and foot injuries: These make up about 30% of motorcycle injuries and can lead to long-term mobility issues, and amputation.
  • Road rash: It might sound minor, but severe road rash can lead to infections and permanent scarring. It is one of the most agonizing of injuries.
  • Spinal cord injuries: These can result in partial or complete paralysis, changing a rider’s life forever.

A Motorcycle Rider in Albuquerque Is More Likely to get Injured

Motorcycle vs. Car Accidents: A World of Difference

As both passionate riders and experienced attorneys here at New Mexico Biker Lawyer, we’ve seen firsthand how motorcycle accidents differ dramatically from car crashes. These differences can significantly impact your recovery, your rights, and your legal case. Let’s break it down:

1. Severity of Injuries

When you’re in a car, you’re surrounded by a metal cage, airbags, and seat belts. On a motorcycle? It’s just you and the open road. This lack of protection means motorcycle accidents often result in much more severe injuries:

  • Traumatic brain injuries, even with a helmet
  • Spinal cord injuries that can lead to paralysis
  • Multiple fractures and severe road rash
  • Internal organ damage

We’ve represented clients who’ve suffered life-altering injuries from what would have been a minor fender-bender in a car. It’s a stark reminder of how vulnerable we are on our bikes.

2. Higher Medical Costs

More severe injuries mean higher medical bills. It’s not uncommon for motorcycle accident victims to face:

  • Extended hospital stays
  • Multiple surgeries
  • Long-term rehabilitation
  • Potential lifelong care needs

We’ve seen cases where emergency room bills alone exceeded $100,000. And that’s just the beginning of healing. Long-term care for severe injuries can run into millions over a lifetime.

3. Bias Against Riders

Unfortunately, there’s often an unfair bias against motorcyclists. We see it in court, we see it with insurance companies, and we see it in society at large. This bias can manifest in several ways:

  • Assumptions that the rider was speeding or driving recklessly
  • Beliefs that motorcyclists are inherently “risk-takers”
  • Misconceptions about motorcycle capabilities and handling

As riders ourselves, we know these biases are often baseless. But they can significantly impact your case if not addressed properly.

4. Complex Claims Process

Due to the severity of injuries and potential bias, motorcycle accident claims are often more complicated to navigate:

  • Insurance companies may try harder to deny or undervalue your claim
  • There may be multiple parties involved (drivers, manufacturers, road maintenance authorities)
  • Proving fault can be more challenging without vehicle damage to assess

We’ve seen insurance adjusters try every trick in the book to minimize payouts for motorcycle accidents. It takes an experienced attorney who understands both the law and the realities of riding to counter these tactics effectively.

5. Different Accident Dynamics

The physics of a motorcycle accident are very different from a car crash:

  • Riders are often ejected from their bikes, leading to multiple impact points
  • Motorcycles are more susceptible to road hazards like potholes or gravel
  • Lane splitting (while illegal in New Mexico) can lead to unique accident scenarios

Understanding these dynamics is crucial when reconstructing an accident and proving fault.

6. Emotional Impact

The emotional toll of a motorcycle accident can be particularly severe:

  • Loss of enjoyment if you’re unable to ride again
  • PTSD or anxiety about getting back on the road
  • Strain on relationships due to long recovery periods

We’ve worked with clients who’ve struggled with depression and anxiety long after their physical wounds have healed. It’s an aspect of motorcycle accidents that’s often overlooked but critically important.

8. Unique Legal Considerations

Motorcycle accidents often involve legal issues that rarely come up in car crash cases:

  • Questions about lane positioning and visibility
  • Debates over motorcycle-specific traffic laws
  • Arguments about the effectiveness of safety gear
  • Opinions and data about reaction times
  • Skill level of the rider (nobody ever asks how skilled the car driver is)
  • Is the police report admissible
  • What if the police find the motorcycle rider at fault

At New Mexico Biker Lawyer, we stay up-to-date on all motorcycle-related laws and regulations to ensure we can effectively argue these points. We know how to convince the judge on what data is really relevant without the anti-motorcycle bias.

A motorcycle rider leans into a curve

Why This Matters to You

Understanding these differences is crucial if you’re ever involved in a motorcycle accident. It’s why we always recommend working with an attorney who specializes in motorcycle cases and, ideally, rides themselves.

Here at New Mexico Biker Lawyer, we bring both legal expertise and real-world riding experience to every case we handle. We know what it’s like to be on two wheels, and we know how to fight for the rights of riders in our state.

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, don’t leave your case to chance. Call us at 505-505-2453 for a free consultation. Let’s work together to get you the compensation you deserve and get you back on the road.